Monday, June 18, 2012


Kraftwerk’s early music were experimental rock tunes without the “pop” bits that we associate them with of their later albums. It wasn’t until 1974 that they made a hit. With “Autobahn,” Kraftwerk made an electronic album about a single thing, driving. This would be the image and music of the band that would define them in the world of electronic music. When they began to tour, they decided to have short haircuts and suits to mimic the way American bands were looking while they were on tour. In the title track, “Autobahn,” Kraftwerk tried to mimic The Beach Boys. This can be seen in the lyrics “fahr’n fahr’n fahr’n, auf der autobahn.” Where “fahr’n” sounds like “fun,” which, of course, mimics the song “Fun Fun Fun,” by The Beach Boys. This song also did something not normal for the time frame. It’s in German. Let me explain this. Kraftwerk were a German band, and songs of that time were normally not sung in German because songs in German were usually about political statements and the motherland. So usually songs that were created by German bands were usually in English for this purpose. After “Autobahn” came “Radio Activity,” which also had a theme. “Radio Activity” was all about Nuclear energy and of course, the Radio. In this context, it took a hint of England during WWII, with people hovering around their radios waiting for Churchill to make his speeches. Then came “Trans-Europe Express,” this is where Kraftwerk did something not seen before on their records. This specific record was all about what they knew and did well, no experimentation, just plain good electronic music. A lot of their records beforehand had some songs that were sort of experiments that they decided to put on the records.
Kraftwerk is inspirational. They kind of screw around in the early years, then when they release “Autobahn,” they blow up into a thing. With focus on a specific subject, they become better. This shows me that when you get set on an idea, pursue it, no matter how silly it seems during production, because it just might cause you to make a hit.


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